NOA Dental Clinic

Dental Crowns And Bridges in Dentistry

Patients often need clarification when faced with many dental restoration alternatives, such as dental crowns and bridges in dentistry. This all-encompassing guide from our dental clinics in Dubai aims to make those challenging dental treatments easier to handle.

This article is helpful whether you are looking for a ‘Dentist near me‘ or simply want to learn more about oral health.

What Are Dental Crowns and How Do They Work?

What Are Dental Crowns and How Do They Work

Dental crowns are tooth-shaped caps placed over damaged or decayed teeth to restore their shape, size, and appearance. They serve as a protective cover, shielding the tooth from further damage and enhancing its aesthetic appeal. The best dentist in Dubai often recommends crowns for patients who have severely damaged teeth that cannot be repaired with fillings alone.

  • Therapeutic Function: Dental crowns restore the functionality of damaged teeth.
  • Aesthetic Appeal: They improve the appearance of discoloured or misshapen teeth.
  • Protection: Crowns shield the underlying tooth from further damage.
  • Material Choices: Various materials like porcelain, ceramic, and metal are available.
  • Longevity: With proper care, dental crowns can last many years.
  • Customisation: Crowns are custom-made to fit each tooth.
  • Recommended by Experts: The best dentist in Dubai often suggests crowns for comprehensive dental restoration.

The Different Types of Dental Crowns

There are various dental crowns, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The most common types include porcelain, ceramic, metal, and composite resin crowns. The best dentist in Dubai can help you choose the right type based on your needs.

Type of Crown





Porcelain Fused to Metal (PFM)

Mimics natural tooth color, durable

It can cause wear on opposing teeth, may require the removal of more tooth structure


Zirconia or Alumina

Excellent aesthetics, good for people with metal allergies

Less durable than metal crowns, expensive


Gold, Nickel, or Chromium Alloy

Highly durable, minimal tooth removal required

Metallic color, not aesthetically pleasing

Composite Resin

Composite Material

Less expensive, can be done in one visit

Less durable, more prone to fractures

Dental Bridges: Bridging the Gap in Your Smile

Dental Bridges_ Bridging the Gap in Your Smile

Dental bridges are used to fill the gaps left by missing teeth. They consist of one or more artificial teeth, known as pontics, anchored to natural teeth or dental implants. Veneers in Dubai are another option for those looking to enhance their smile.

Type of Bridge





Pontics and crowns anchored to adjacent teeth

Sturdy and durable, natural appearance

Requires filing down adjacent teeth, more invasive


Pontic anchored to a single adjacent tooth

Useful when only one natural tooth is available

Less stable, risk of fracturing adjacent tooth


Pontic with metal or porcelain wings

Less invasive, doesn’t require altering adjacent teeth

Less durable, not suitable for areas with high chewing pressure


Pontics anchored to dental implants

Extremely durable, preserves jawbone health

Requires surgery, more expensive, longer treatment time

The Materials Used in Dental Crowns and Bridges in Dentistry

The materials used for dental crowns and bridges vary based on durability, aesthetics, and cost. Porcelain, ceramic, metal alloys, and composite resin are all examples of commonly used materials. The choice of material often depends on the location of the tooth and the recommendation of the best dentist in Dubai.

  • Porcelain and Ceramic: Popular for their natural appearance.
  • Metal Alloys: Known for their durability but lack aesthetic appeal.
  • Composite Resin: A less expensive but less durable option.
  • Zirconia: Offers a balance of durability and aesthetics.
  • Location-Specific: Some materials are better suited for back teeth.
  • Expert Recommendation: The best dentist in Dubai can guide you in material selection.

The Step-by-Step Procedure for Getting a Dental Crown

Getting a dental crown involves several steps, including consultation, tooth preparation, and crown placement. The process may require two or more visits to the best dentist in Dubai. Dental implants are another option for those with missing or severely damaged teeth.

  • Consultation: Initial assessment to determine the need for a crown.
  • Tooth Preparation: The tooth is filled to make room for the crown.
  • Impression Making: An impression of the tooth is taken for crown fabrication.
  • Temporary Crown: A temporary crown is placed until the permanent one is ready.
  • Crown Placement: The permanent crown is cemented into place.
  • Follow-Up: A follow-up visit ensures proper fit and comfort.
  • Alternative Options: Dental implants can be considered for more severe cases.

How to Care for Your Dental Crowns and Bridges?

Proper care can extend the lifespan of your dental crowns and bridges. Routine cleaning, regular dental check-ups, and avoiding hard foods are vital to maintaining them. The best dentist in Dubai can provide personalised care tips during your visits.


Dental Crowns

Dental Bridges


Brush twice a day with fluoride toothpaste

Use a floss threader to clean underneath the bridge


Carefully floss around the crown

Floss between the supporting teeth


Regular dental visits for professional cleaning

Regular check-ups to monitor bridge integrity

Food Restrictions

Avoid hard or sticky foods

Avoid foods that could dislodge the bridge

Oral Rinse

Use antiseptic mouthwash daily

Use fluoride mouthwash

Chewing Habits

Don’t chew on ice, pens, or other hard objects

Same as for dental crowns


Typically last 5-15 years, depending on care

Generally last 7-14 years

Warning Signs

Sensitivity, discomfort, or looseness

Signs of wear, discomfort, or shifting

The Lifespan of Dental Crowns and Bridges: What to Expect

The lifespan of dental crowns and bridges can vary based on the material used and how well they are cared for. On average, they can last between 5 to 15 years. Regular check-ups with the best dentist in Dubai can help extend their lifespan.



Maintenance Required

Potential for Replacement

Material Type

5-15 years (varies)

Regular cleaning, dental check-ups

It may need replacement based on wear and tear

Proper Care

Extends lifespan

Daily brushing, flossing, avoiding hard foods

Less frequent with proper care

Regular Check-Ups

Helps extend lifespan

Professional cleaning, inspections

Early detection can prevent the need for replacement

Location in Mouth

Varies (molars wear faster)

Depends on location-specific care

Molars may need replacement sooner

Individual Habits

Smoking, grinding affect lifespan

Habit cessation can extend lifespan

Habits like smoking or grinding can necessitate earlier replacement

Dental Crowns vs. Fillings: Making the Right Choice

Dental Bridges_ Bridging the Gap in Your Smile

Both dental crowns and fillings are used to restore damaged teeth but serve different purposes. While fillings are used for minor repairs, crowns are often recommended for more severe cases. The best dentist in Dubai can help you make the right choice.

  • Minor Repairs: Fillings are suitable for small cavities and minor decay.
  • Severe Cases: Crowns are recommended for more extensive damage.
  • Material Choices: Both come in various materials like metal and composite resin.
  • Cost Difference: Crowns are generally more expensive than fillings.
  • Longevity: Crowns often last longer than fillings.
  • Expert Opinion: Consult the best dentist in Dubai for a comprehensive evaluation.

The Cost Factor: How Much Do Dental Crowns and Bridges Cost?

The cost of dental crowns and bridges can vary widely based on the material used, the procedure’s complexity, and the dentist’s expertise. Although they can be pricey, many people believe that the investment in their oral health is well worth it. The best dentist in Dubai can provide a detailed cost breakdown.


Estimated Cost in AED

Influencing Elements

Payment and Financing Options

Material Type

1,000 – 4,500 AED

Porcelain, metal, zirconia, etc.

Payment plans, insurance coverage

Labor Cost

500 – 1,500 AED

Expertise of the dentist

Payment plans, insurance coverage

Geographical Location


Clinic location, local rates

Payment plans, insurance coverage

Additional Procedures

200 – 1,000 AED

X-rays, tooth preparation

Payment plans, insurance coverage

Insurance Coverage

Partial coverage possible

Depends on the insurance plan

Direct billing, co-payments

Total Estimated Cost

1,700 – 7,000 AED

Sum of all factors

Payment plans, insurance coverage

Dental crowns and bridges are pivotal in modern dentistry, offering functional and aesthetic solutions for various dental issues. Understanding the types, materials, and care required can significantly impact the longevity and effectiveness of these dental appliances. As you explore options at a dental clinic near you, this guide provides the essential knowledge to make informed decisions for your oral health.

Ready to take the next step towards a healthier, more radiant smile? Don’t wait any longer! Schedule a consultation with Noa Dental Clinic today and let our experts guide you through the best options for dental crowns and bridges tailored to your needs. Your perfect smile is just a click away!

Frequently Asked Questions About Dental Crowns and Bridges

What is the primary purpose of dental crowns?

Dental crowns serve as a protective cap for damaged or decayed teeth, restoring their functionality and improving their appearance.

How long do dental crowns and bridges last?

The lifespan of dental crowns and bridges can vary, typically 5 to 15 years, depending on the material used and the level of care.

What are the different types of dental crowns?

There are several dental crowns, including porcelain, ceramic, metal, composite resin, fused-to-metal, and zirconia crowns.

How much do dental crowns and bridges cost in Dubai?

The cost can vary widely, but the estimated cost usually ranges from 1,700 to 7,000 AED, depending on the material, labour, and additional procedures.

Can dental insurance cover the cost of crowns and bridges?

Some dental insurance plans may offer partial coverage for dental crowns and bridges. It’s essential to consult your insurance provider for specific details.

How do I care for my dental crowns and bridges?

Proper care includes regular cleaning through brushing and flossing, avoiding hard foods that can damage the crowns or bridges, and regular check-ups with your dentist.

What are the alternatives to dental crowns and bridges?

Alternatives can include dental fillings for minor repairs, veneers for aesthetic improvements, and dental implants for missing teeth.

How do I choose the best dentist in Dubai for dental crowns and bridges?

Look for a dentist with a strong reputation, positive patient reviews, and expertise in the specific type of dental work you need.